Sunday, January 13, 2008


A few photos from the funeral. Thanks to my sister, Hannah for taking them.
Love, Sarah


Anonymous said...

I am not sure how others felt during the funeral but for me it was a feeling of peace. I was planning on an emotional roller coaster with lots of tears and lots of laughs.

Maybe I wanted to cry more, maybe I wanted to feel more sorrow, I don't know but when it was over and I was walking to my car I just felt at peace with the whole situation. It was as if there was no way Kristy was going to allow a pity party at her expense.

Anyhow, I truly believe that Kristy is in a better place, I feel like the boys are going to be taken care of and I harbor no ill will towards Dave. In a sense I received closure to what was a very trying week.

I want to thank you again, Sarah, for putting together this site. It proved to be very therapeutic and I think it has helped me to be at ease with myself and this horrid situation.

Peace, Jon

p.s. I think I have one more final post that I want to share, it may be on this site or on my own. It will be a post about what I learned about myself and how Kristy has forced me to reflect upon how I life relative to the second great commandment in the law: Love thy Neighbor as thyself!

Kristy's Family and Friends: said...

Please post it on here! This will be made into a book for Kristy's sons and also her parents. I would love you to share that with us!