Thursday, January 10, 2008

A few Memories

I was Kristy's neighbor in her old ward-the Jordan Meadows area. The past days have been quite reflective for me. I have started so many posts, but it has been difficult to write words. As I have been thinking about Kristy, many of my memories occur during the summertime; when all the moms and kids were outside playing together. As new neighborhoods go, there were not any fences for quite a while, so we had a great open area for the neighborhood kids to gather and play.

I remember Kristy bringing Brandon over to my backyard to play on the swing set with the other children. Kristy always said that Brandon was a "climber," so he was right in his element! He would climb up the ladder and then have no where to go, he would climb up the slide when everyone else was trying to go down... it makes me smile. Kristy would just smile and help him get turned around the right way and he would continue to do it over and over again. :)

Yes, Brandon kept Kristy on her toes, that is for sure. He liked to run and see how far he could get before his mom captured him, and he would giggle. I remember Kristy taking him for walks around the block in a little red car that had a blue handle on it for easy pushing. She was a great mom and her focus was always on her children.

She would be the first to help someone in need, the first to give a compliment, which were always very sincere. When I received a compliment from Kristy, somehow it really meant something. I have a dress she complimented me in and I will always think of her. She said it was my "power color!" I was quite intimidated by her strong presence, testimony, and her beauty. However, her intentions and words were always meant to be received positively and sincerely.

I have been blessed to have known Kristy, though not very well. I will always feel badly about that. I pray for your family, and especially your boys. I know you will be watching over them, as will those who have been left behind.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Kim,

I wrote on another blog today my thoughts about when I found out. I could tell by your reaction that you were devastated and that you will probably always remember the day you learned that Kristy was murdered.

It sure has been helpful to get these feelings out, thanks for sharing your thoughts.