Monday, January 7, 2008

I miss her...

When I miscarried a year ago this past December Kristy came by and brought me yummy cookies and cried with me. She listened to me and shared thoughts and stories as well. When my son had a lump in his leg last April I was so distressed at the horrible testing he had to endure that day. I reluctantly went to the Relief Society function that evening (the evening was entitled "Trials and Triumphs") and she said she didn't know why she was supposed to sing the song she chose but she knew that she had to sing it. The song she sang had a line from another song that I sang and that had brought me comfort 11 years before and I hadn't heard that song since. I knew at that moment why she was prompted to sing the song she did. I was thinking the words to the song I sang right before she started singing her song and when she started singing the line in the song I sang 11 years before I knew the Lord heard my prayers. The song she sang is called "He'll Carry You" and the song I sang and was "He Hears You" both by Hilary Weeks. I told her what happened with my son that day and what happened with her song. She hugged me and cried with me and gave me that song. She just handed it over. I wrote about the experience in my journal when I got home that night and have the song in my journal. I will always have such a fond memory of her. I too had a hard time letting my walls down with her openness but as I look back at the memories I have with her I know that without her openness she wouldn't have touched people's lives the way she did. She was amazing and incredible and I too miss her like everyone else who knew her.


1 comment:

Kristy's Family and Friends: said...

Through music she touched so many hearts. Thank you for your words.