Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Life Long Family Friend

I have known the palizzi family since Ann was my miamaid advisor and before. I have babysat kristy and have known her as a friend as adults. I have a very energetic 6 year old son and Ann has always said to me ever since Sam was very small, and I quote, "If I can survive Kristy's can survive Sam's. If sam grows up to be half the man that Kristy was a woman I will be very proud. Kristy was larger than life. She never held back on anything that was on her mind and that is what made her so great to be around. She always had the courage to say what others were thinking but didn't have the courage to say. Her mom Ann is a good friend of mine and she has shared so many stories about Kristy to me that just makes me laugh when I think about it. a few like when in first or second grade Kristy was helping a little girl in her class that had learning dissabilities and the teacher told Kristy to do her own work. Kristy told her that she was helping the little girl and if the teacher was doing the job the state was paying her to do she wouldn't have to help her. or the time Kristy decided to climb scafolding in the Gym at the stake center during stake conference and twirl on the bars 20 feet in the air while Al was supposed to be watching her while Ann was out feeding Barry who was then the baby. I remember that one. Kristy refused to come down and Al had to climb up to get her. I think she was around 4 yrs old.
I always loved when she would come to washington to visit and would sing in our ward. She had a voice like an angel. Years ago we were in a musical together that our stake had put on called Greater than us all. She was always in the midst of everything. But most of all. I will miss the impact she had on all who knew her. They say that after we leave this life we will get to see every life we touched while on the earth. I think even Kristy would be amazed at how many and how profoundly she touch lives for good here on earth in her short 30 years.
My heart aches for Ann and Al and her brothers and those two sweet little boys who will grow up without their mom, and also for Dave's family. I know that our loving Heavenly Father is watching over them all and will continue to do so until they can heal from this awful tragedy. I love you Kristy and will miss you. My family contiues to pray for your family. You will leave a big hole in our lives. Judy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My first child was also very spirited and Aunt Annie was always giving me perspective. She'd always tell me that God had given these babies the strength they needed to get through the challenges their lives would bring and she'd praise my feisty girl instead of condemn her. At the time, part of me really just thought she'd forgotten what it was like to live with a 2 year old 24/7, that she could complacently watch my child disassemble her kitchen and praise the genius of it instead of getting annoyed. But obviously time has shown that she knew better. I guess if there is one thing Kristy gave EVERYBODY it was perspective.

- Cheryl