Wednesday, January 9, 2008

There is a strong tug at my heart telling me I must share more. I truly believe if Kristy could speak to us right now she would say please "Forgive Dave". I know beyond the shadow of any doubt that she has only love and compassion in her heart and she would want us to hate the crime but love the child of God. And yes that is hard, but remember Christ on the cross saying "Forgive them for they know not what they do". He set the first example for us and Kristy would do no less. She is serving with all her passion, love and excitement on the other side now, letting others have the chance to feel the joy of a wild and crazy incredible person that we came to love and cherish too! Our memories of her will stay in our hearts forever, and some day she will greet us and I look forward to that day and that big beautiful smile! I know she has total trust that the Lord has placed her dear sweet boys in the hands of the family she loves and trusts. I am confident she feels honored to have them step in with compassion and love and the extra needs her boys have at this time. I know that they will love those boys to the intensity that Kristy did. I know they will learn how GREAT their mother was and that alone will empower them to be like her, to touch the world like she did. She would say, I am at peace with my Father's plan and NOW I SEE THE BIGGER PICTURE!

I want to share a story with you about an amazing man I met two years ago - Azim Khamisa. He wrote the book "From Murder to Forgiveness" which is one of the most incredible acts of love I have ever seen. His 20 year old son was shot and killed by a 14 year old gang member while he was out delivering pizza one night. Azim's story is one that reading right now might bring much comfort to your heart at this time. Instead of hatred in his heart for the person who killed his son, he was filled with forgiveness and grew to love that boy and his family. After all that family also lost their son that day. Their son became the first 14 year old in California to be tried as an adult and put in jail for life. Akim set up a foundation to stop crime of this nature at the elementary school level, where it could still make a difference. This work is his passion now, and he does this work with the family of the son who committed the crime (wow) and is now trying to get the son out of jail to help him serve this mission of stopping violent crime with him (what love). It is an amazing heart warming flip of turning hatred into love. Kristy would feel and be the same way, so let me speak for her. Love, forgive… not hate. Isn’t it amazing, even with Kristy gone, how she is still touching hearts on this side - just look at the blogs from people who did not know her? And Kristy’s story can be the one to change the law. To put a new law in place requiring that guns be taken away from someone served a protection order threatening to use one. If it could save even one person, that would be incredible. We should plant that seed and make it grow. And in the bigger picture, for those who are not members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, call the church and have the missionaries teach you what our church believes in, there is no obligation and you will actually enjoy the lessons. When I did, I was shocked to find out the truth compared to the lies I was told about the church. For the first time in my life I knew who I was, where I came from and where I was going. It was life changing.. If you take the time to do so, than you can begin to know why Kristy was so full of love and passion and life! Why she served a mission for 18 months. Trust me she was so beautiful, incredible, and had lots of guys that wanted to marry her and not let her leave for 18 months to serve a mission, but Kristy always saw the bigger picture. This can plant a seed in your heart to have that love and passion that Kristy had, and then you can be her vessel to give it back to others around you. Sometime I will share with you my story about joining the church and how Kristy was so inspired by it she carried my letter with her throughout her mission. It is a painful story, so I will save it for another time. I want to leave with you the words Paul H. Dunn wrote to me in his book "The Birth that we Call Death, when my son died many years ago of sudden infant death syndrome. I will change the name, but the message still rings true “I testify to you that indeed Kristy does live" and she is not done changing the hearts of many here, she wants to make a difference in your life – letting her in has truly changed my life forever.



Kelli said...

Darlene, Please send me your conversion story, I want to know. You sound like a wonderful person. Kelli Hanis

Anonymous said...

What has troubled me the most is a mother being ripped from her children and what is to come of the boys. After watching the news tonight I have HOPE that instead of fighting, both families are fasting and praying. With the spirit together they will receive revelation of who Kristy wants to raise her boys. Also, My heart tells me that the boys will be so LOVED by MANY. Chris