Saturday, January 12, 2008

Just One More Kiss

I am Kristy's cousin and although I haven't seen her in several years, I know how she was feeling leading up to this horrible event. I too filed for divorce in October, I also got a restraining order, I feel fear for my safety. I have 3 little boys, ages 7, 5 and 15 months. I also will be 30 in March. I too am active in church and am the choir leader. When I found out the news last Sunday, I sank to my knees and cried. I know. Last night as I was putting my boys to bed I couldn't help but think what if this was the last time I would be doing this. Emotions, feeling and words started to flood my mind. Soon I had a short poem that I think Kristy would agree with. Before I share the peom though I have one funny thought about Kristy that I remember all to well. When we were kids we had a family reunion here in Washington. Sometime during the night, the boys snuck into our tent and stole Kristy's bra. The next morning, we found it hanging high in a tree. What an ordeal to get that bra out of the tree. My dad (Uncle Dean to Kristy) had to back a pickup up to the tree and find a long branch to fish it out. She was a good sport. It just makes me chuckle!
love always
Kristy's poem

To my precious baby lying there
fast asleep without a careI
gaze at your beauty
your tenderness
and I think......
..Just One More Kiss

To my big boy so strong
playing rough, bouncing along
you fall and turn for aide......
Just One More Kiss
you run and play

I can not be there now
to kiss away
to stop a frown
but know that I watch
from Heaven above
your little light guiding
stay near me my sons.

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