Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Kristy has made me want to do better.

I did not know Kristy personally. I am from Utah originally and still read the Daily Herald online to keep up with my old home town as my family still lives in Utah County. I read about Kristy online and can't seem to get her out of my heart and mind. I check your blog each day to see if there are any new stories about her. I wept when I read the article on her funeral. Kristy sounds like an amazing woman that we can all learn a great deal from.

I wish I could have known her personally. She has influenced my life just in reading this blog and what a loving, giving, unselfish person she was. I have made a few phone calls and written a few thank you notes this week that I have put off for far too long. I will be making a bigger effort to let the people in my life know that I love them. When I wonder how someone is doing, I will no longer wonder and actually pick up the phone and call them. Kristy has made me want to be a better friend, mother, daughter and wife. I did not know her, but yet I feel love for her.

I have been touched by the music on the blog also and was wondering if there was a recording of Kristy singing that you could put on the blog for those of us who have never heard this beautiful singing voice everyone talks about.

Thank you for the work that you are doing in letting so many people know this amazing woman. Kristy is not gone. She lives, and will continue to touch many lives through her example. My heart and prayers are with her family and friends.


1 comment:

Tonia Marie said...

wow!I too grew up in Utah and no longer live there but I have been feeling the exact same way...I check the blog everyday..and even though I never met her I feel I have grown to know her through these wonderful, touching stories.It would be great if someone did have a recording of her beautiful singing voice! Tonia in Nebraska