Saturday, August 9, 2008

Breaking Dawn

The New Twilight Book....Breaking Dawn I know this is probably SO silly to write about....but I couldn't stop thinking about how much Kristy would have LOVED all the fun this past weekend with the new Twilight book coming out. She loved these books!! A group of us went to go eat dinner and then wait in line for our books. I talked to someone while we were planning all this....and I was telling her about how one book store was having a literal prom party the night the book was going on sale, and how crowded it was going to be. We both said that we'd rather avoid the big crowds...and "skip the prom". ha ha

I mentioned how much Kristy would love all the fun....and my friend said that Kristy would have probably MADE us all go to the prom party though. She would have LOVED it. I can just see her....all dressed up in a fun costume, eyes beaming....sooooo excited to go have FUN. I know this is SUCH a trivial thing to even write about, but I miss reading all the fun posts and memories of Kristy. I was thinking about her a lot this past weekend....and I missed her even more. I wish, with all my heart, that she could have been there with us that night. I know she's busy....doing a lot more important things right now, but I hope she knows how much she was missed.



Christia said...

I totally thought a lot about her when I was reading the book. One of the last times we talked, we talked about how excited we were for this book to come out. Oh how I miss her.

Ally said...

I completely agree! I can just hear her on the phone trying to talk me into coming to the party. And offering to lend me a fancy dress for the "prom". :o)

Anonymous said...

I've also had similar thoughts. I've also cried at the fact that this is another thing that she would love and is missing. I have to tell myself that she's on to bigger and better things than our trivial books & every day drama (so I don't explode). If I knew she could hear me and she wasn't so busy, I'd sit at her grave and read it to her. I guess her next friend to make it to the other side can fill her in, because I'm sure she'd love to know the outcome. Chris M.

Kristy's Family and Friends: said...

I have thought about Kristy CONSTANTLY, whenever I hear about Breaking Dawn. I see pictures of breaking dawn parties and she is so so missed among along of us. How very very sad. We talked about Twilight books and Grey's Anatomy more than anything else!! We definitely love Edward. Who doesn't?

Anonymous said...

I am so glad Carrie mentioned Kristy's love of these books! We had a BLAST at the parties and I know Kristy would have been right in the the thick of it all. Isn't it funny the things that brings her to our memories? When I read my books I think of her. I keep thinking she is stoked cuz she knew the outcome before me. Stinker!