Monday, February 18, 2008

Still Missing You


I’m still missing you (of course), but tonight I’m feeling it more than usual for some reason. Sometimes I think I’ve gotten my brain around the fact that you’ve moved on to bigger and better things, but sometimes it hits me so fresh: I can’t believe you’re gone. And then it hurts so much and I have to cry all over again, which feels so selfish, but I don’t know how to not be sad that you’re not on vacation, you’re not visiting some remote location, it’s not that your phone is out of order. You’re really gone.

And I want to say: that sucks.

I wonder about your perspective up there in heaven and what you’re thinking about and how you’re involved in our lives still, especially on behalf of your boys. I’m sure you know how it all works out in the end. We’re still struggling to have faith and ride out all the difficulties and challenges of living in this world of free agents. I wish I could borrow some of your perspective. Help me out, okay?

Miss you!!



Anonymous said...

I never knew Kristy. I read this blog because she was so inspirational. I lost my friend and her 3 kids to a car accident 10 months ago and this comment is so how I feel everyday. My friend was a very fun out going person like Kristy and I miss her everyday but all these comments and the songs on the website help with my grief also. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry about your friend and her kids. That is a huge loss. I guess the only good thing about grief is that it's universal. I'm glad (and I'm sure Kristy is too) that this blog has helped many people with all kinds of grief.
